Former Archer Rubber

Client: AU Real Estate
Status: Completed
Value: $500K - $1M
Location: Milford, MA

JDC was contracted as the general contractor to demolish the Former Archer Rubber Factory in Milford, MA.   JDC played a large role in the project approval by working with the developer and design team in pre-construction to assist with Stormwater prevention controls and abatement plans as requested by the City Engineer and local Conservation Commission.  Once the project was approved, JDC was tasked to raze the four story, 160,000 SF wood framed and steel framed facility in weeks' time frame due to safety concerns from the local fire chief.   Other challenges of the project included abatement of asbestos containing  and hazardous materials, utility terminations, backfill of basement voids, and protection of the Charles River Tributary which ran directly underneath the four story production area.   JDC successfully salvaged thousands of board feet of south yellow pine and fir timbers resulting from the demolition for reclamation and re-sale.