Pratt and Whitney Plant

Client: Rabina Properties-Scarsdale, NY
Status: Completed
Value: $1M - $5M
Location: North Haven, CT

JDC was contracted to perform pre-construction environmental surveys in conjunction with third party firms in order to develop scope, plans, submittals and order of magnitude for our client. JDC then performed turnkey demolition, asbestos abatement, PCB remediation, Utility disconnects/relocation and site work services for three adjoining parcels totaling 170 +/- acres of work area located in North Haven, CT.

The project consisted of demolishing nineteen existing buildings including four boiler buildings down to their respective foundations/slabs for a total of +/- 1.4 million square feet of removal. JDC removed 1 million square feet of ACM roofing and 4,000 tons of PCB waste.